Planificación Urbana y Regional
Resultados: Listando 10 de 222 en la página 4 de 23
Challenges to turn territorial planning compatible: between the metropolitan and...
Social Function of Property at the Scale of the Metropolis: construction of a land...
From Além-Tietê to new urban centrality areas-study of production of urban centrality...
The east side: the role of urban planning and its contradictions in the process of...
Urban planning and production of space in Barra Funda
Downtown's revival: real estate in República's district
The place of the social in the evaluation of environmental impact: public regulation...
Baixada Santista: socio-economic and spatial changes in the capitalist crisis after...
The rôle of building industry in the production of urban space
The typology of housing buildings and their relationship with the urban fabric of...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 222 en la página 4 de 23