Hidráulica y Saneamiento Ambiental
Resultados: Listando 10 de 1176 en la página 107 de 118
Monitoring and evaluation of treatment system for wastewater composed of UASB reactor,...
Leak detection and calibration of transient hydraulic system models
Water distribution network calibration model considering leakage and head-driven...
Design of a household scale water treatment system for isolated regions: system feasibility...
Anaerobic bioconversion of sugarcane bagasse in biotechnological products in thermophilic...
Synergistic interaction among reservoirs along a cascade system and their response...
Domestic sanitary sewer: study of hydrodynamics, mass transfer and microrganisms...
Post-treatment of domestic wastewater treated in anaerobic baffed reactor using submerged...
Development of advanced control process of aeration tank with air difusion for application...
A tale of two cities: public preferences for nature-based solutions and the effect...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 1176 en la página 107 de 118