Procesos y Gestión de Operaciones
Resultados: Listando 10 de 222 en la página 22 de 23
User needs in reverse logistics of electromedical equipment in a product-service...
Development of a statistical approach of the time for lean healthcare: a proposal...
Structuring a Performance Measurement System in surgical centers to support Lean...
Management of purchases in public hospitals: a case study between direct administration...
Analisys of integration of ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 normalized management systems:...
Minimization of total tardiness in flowshop no-wait production system with preventive...
S^3 Enterprise: characterization of the collaboration principle
Dynamic capabilities and micro-foundations in circular economy: multiple cases studies...
Product development process improvement in a manufacturing company aiming a phase-gate...
The relationship between supply chain performance and organizational culture: a fuzzy...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 222 en la página 22 de 23