Economía, Organización y Gestión del Conocimiento
Resultados: Listando 10 de 135 en la página 5 de 14
Integrated investment analysis model for innovative products and processes: an application...
Liquidity and capital structure of brazilian publicly traded companies
Influence of social network analysis in managerial decision making in pharmaceutical...
Creation and transformation of knowledge: case studies in environmental education...
Directives to adapt new members to virtual teams in agile software development
Relationships between cultural dimensions and supply chain integration: a case study...
The role of human resource management in the construction of a corporate environmental...
Organizational culture and employees' quality of life: an investigation with fast-food...
Analysis of the activities of small business managers: a study based on Mintzberg's...
Analysis of internal and external determinants of the accumulation of technological...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 135 en la página 5 de 14