Derecho Económico, Financiero y Tributario
Resultados: Listando 9 de 139 en la página 14 de 14
Taxation of economic activities developed by private entities that provide public...
Limites à tributação dos atos ilícitos pelo imposto sobre a renda: prejudicialidade...
Transitional rules in brazilian tax Law: predictability and graduability in changing...
Local content: perspectives of Brazilian sovereignty and economic development in...
Democracy, corruption and party and electoral financing: a contribution from Financial...
Legal Certainty in the Automatic Exchange of Tax Information between Jurisdictions:...
s. Economic Law of Infrastructure: underdevelopment and the legal discipline of ...
Tension points and points of contact between Urban Law and Geography based on the...
The judicialization of climate change
Resultados: Listando 9 de 139 en la página 14 de 14