Filosofía y Teoría del Derecho
Resultados: Listando 10 de 284 en la página 21 de 29
Morality and the concept of law in H. L. Hart
Limits of economic criteria in the application of law: hermeneutics and the economic...
The emergence of everyday life: two examples of delimitation of public and private...
Constitutionalism and exception: jurists, military and the legal theory of institutional...
Conceptions of law and justice: Ronald Dworkins legal theory and John Rawlss political...
Inheritance and inequality: intergenerational wealth transfer taxation as a means...
Das öffentliche interesse laut brasilianischem oberstem gerichtshof: legitimität...
Law and macroeconomics: a study of the legal regime of fiscal policy in Brazil
Transnationale umweltkriminalität: herausforderungen für die gesetzliche regulie...
The penal theory of P. J. A. Feuerbach and the Brazilian jurists of the 19th century:...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 284 en la página 21 de 29