Resultados: Listando 10 de 118 en la página 10 de 12
Longevity and cost-efficacy of ART restorations using different encapsulated glass...
Evaluation of mineral loss after cariogenic and erosive challenges on adjacent enamel...
Application of different fluoridated agents for the prevention of enamel erosion...
The antioxidant system and oxidative stress evaluation of saliva of children between...
Influence of tubular density in diferent dentin depths in bonding stability of glass...
Chronic renal failure in children - information available on the Internet: study...
Impacto of oral diseases and disorders on the oral health-related quality of life...
Evaluation of osseous regeneration, using the low-power laserterapy in the midpalatal...
Influence of length time of staying in the public education system as a promoter...
Caregiver perception on quality of life related to the oral health of children and...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 118 en la página 10 de 12