Diagnóstico Oral, Radiología Odontológica e Imaginología
Resultados: Listando 10 de 64 en la página 3 de 7
Evaluation of the benefits of self-management and education in the treatment of temporomandibular...
Comparison of oral health related quality of life in patients undergoing alveolar...
Functional assessment of major salivary glands using scintigraphy imaging techn...
Influence of the bandwidth on the dimension of artifacts from orthodontic wires and...
Comparison of accuracy and precision of linear measurements with different cone beam...
Comparison between magnetic resonance imaging and cone beam computed tomography for...
Risk of prion contamination and development of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in oral...
Evaluation of the effect of low-power laser photobiomodulation on symptoms control...
Accuracy of ultrasonography in relation to salivary gland biopsy in the diagnosis...
Applicability of strategies for prevention and early diagnosis of oral cancer: an...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 64 en la página 3 de 7