Biodinámica del Movimiento Humano
Resultados: Listando 10 de 318 en la página 10 de 32
Biomechanical approach to locomotion: co-ordinative parameters in children during...
Biomechanical comparison of the gait in elliptical and treadmill in young adults,...
Caffeine effect on performance and central and peripheral fatigue in different models...
Acute cardiovascular responses to walking exercise in patients with intermittent...
Contribution of oxidative stress to NF-kB, FOXO and MAPK signaling pathway activation...
Effects of aerobic exercise training on skeletal muscle atrophy associated with heart...
Effect of acute medium-chain triglycerides (mct) supplementation on time to exhaustion...
Influence of strength training on pacing strategy and performance in long distance...
Profile of children with developmental coordination disorder in timing tasks
Acute effect of aerobic exercise on the molecular pathways of glucose uptake in skeletal...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 318 en la página 10 de 32