Pedagogía del Movimiento Humano
Resultados: Listando 10 de 96 en la página 4 de 10
Physical education in early childhood education: analysis of a programme application...
Effects of two physical exercise programs in motor capacities and brain structures...
Adesão ao exercício físico em programa privado de reabilitação cardíaca
Learning with the "we": the work in health and the body practices in the communi...
The physical education in the public health service
Frequency of knowledge of results in aquisition of motor skill in old age
IOC x FIFA: the political history of football at the olympic games
Translation, transcultural adaptation, validity and reliability of an instrument...
Being is to be perceived: an x-ray of the high-level women handball athletes' body...
Outdoor education through adventure: the role of the experience and the learning...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 96 en la página 4 de 10