Ecología: Ecosistemas Terrestres y Acuáticos
Resultados: Listando 10 de 355 en la página 9 de 36
Populations of Nephilengys cruentataspiders in human buildings
Comparative ecophysiology of native and invasive grasses in a Campo Sujo formati...
Visual ecology of nocturnal bees: how light intensity affects foraging activity in...
Analysis of arboreal vegetation and conservation at the Forest Reserve of the Cidade...
Floristics and structure of the vascular epiphytic component in the forest of the...
Intention of preserving forest remnants among landowners in the Atlantic Forest:...
Landscape structure effects on the biological control of the coffee-leaf-miner (Leucoptera...
Floral resource spatial distribution and the effects of antagonists and mutualists...
Terrestrial large mammals and invasion of domestic dogs in remnants of an Atlantic...
Trophic niche of oil-collecting bees of Centridini and Tetrapediini tribes (Hymenoptera,...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 355 en la página 9 de 36