Psicología Clínica
Resultados: Listando 10 de 584 en la página 55 de 59
Early distress in babies and mood of pregnant adolescents of low income
From Psychoanalytic Act to the Discourse of Analyst: the structure of lacanian f...
Seraphine de senlis art and psychosis: a clinical reading
The Real in the psychoanalytic clinical facts: between the forgetfulness and its...
An analytical-behavioral therapist practice systematization : subsidies for form...
The trauma in Freuds work: conceptual ramifications and clinical consequences
Repercussions of psychological intervention on patients with irritable bowel syn...
The issue of symbolization in Psychosomatics: study of patients with somatoform autonomic...
Not informed by the author
Resultados: Listando 10 de 584 en la página 55 de 59