Neurociencias y Comportamiento
Resultados: Listando 10 de 314 en la página 27 de 32
Study of the effects of intranasal oxytocin on fear, pain and aversive memory in...
Study of central effects of oxytocin on somatosensory perception and memory of pain...
Effects of training with the Nintendo® Wii on postural balance and executive function...
Behavioral, neurochemical and immune effects of restraint stress in mice of high...
Not informed by the author
Evolução do cleptoparasitismo em Argyrodes elevatus (theridiidae, aranae)
Scaling of pain using themagnitude estimation method
Influência da adrenalectomia bilateral nos eventos neurodegenerativos no modelo do...
Motor learning in children: comparison between 06 and 10 years old
Resultados: Listando 10 de 314 en la página 27 de 32