Neurociencias y Comportamiento
Resultados: Listando 10 de 314 en la página 9 de 32
Spatial cognition and its relation with fossoriality in three species of spiny-rats...
Neurocomputational model of the initial phases of Alzheimer's disease
Development and validation of a computerized testing system to assess number sense...
Quantitative studies of color psychology: mental saliency, preference for basic color...
The use of the psychophysical method for judging emotional responses in works of...
Development and comparative study of word lists to use in the speech recognition...
The effect of physical exercise on the vision of type 1 diabetes patients: psychophysical...
Color vision, contrast sensitivity and multifocal electroretinogram in subjects with...
Effect of pre-exposure to diethylpropion or caffeine on the reinforcing value of...
Effect of acute and repeated administration of Fencamfamine on reinforcement value...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 314 en la página 9 de 32