Clínica Quirúrgica
Resultados: Listando 10 de 203 en la página 8 de 21
Analysis of the results of multidisciplinary treatment within patients with pelvic...
Analysis of midface retrusion and orbital dysmorphology in children with Apert and...
Papillary fistulotomy versus conventional cannulation for endoscopic bile access:...
Greater gastric curvature and anterior gastric wall invaginations (plications) for...
Experimental model of graft versus host disease after small intestine transplant...
SurgeMan, TraumaMan and porcine model for the surgical skills station of the advanced...
Portal and periportal fibrosis in experimental extra-hepatic biliary obstruction...
The effect of intra-abdominal pressure over the systemic arterial pressure and the...
Development and practical application of a puncture temporary vascular shunt: an...
Value of the criteria for indication of angiography in the diagnosis of carotid and...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 203 en la página 8 de 21