Salud Pública
Resultados: Listando 10 de 129 en la página 1 de 13
Dimensions used in the evaluations of tuberculosis care services: a systematic r...
Medical practice and immigration: the case of Syrian refugees in the city of São...
Mental suffering and gender: men and care in the Psychosocial Attention Network
Interiorization of undergraduate medical courses and vacancies and territorial movement...
An assessment of the organization of SUS outpatient facilities providing care to...
Exposure to violence and self-rated health: data analysis from the National Health...
Ultra-processed food consumption and diet quality in the French population
Users' experience with the diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection in two SUS services...
Prevalence and factors associated with neuropsychomotor developmental delay in children...
Health risk behaviors and association with self-control among 9th year elementary...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 129 en la página 1 de 13