Resultados: Listando 10 de 251 en la página 25 de 26
Breast cancer gene expression profile in post-menopausal patients responsive or non-responsive...
Evaluation of the functional role and the potential prognostic value of the members...
Prognostic factors in patients with locally advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma...
Expression of molecular predictive markers of locoregional recurrence of papillary...
Evaluation of the autocrine and paracrine effects of IFN gene therapy with adenovirus...
Distinct roles of direct transduction versus exposure to the tumor secretome on murine...
Prospective evaluation of urinary symptoms in patients submitted to pelvic radiotherapy:...
Somatic and germline mutations in young patients with breast cancer
Evaluation of the bone-implant contact in the mandible of irradiated minipigs and...
Comparative study of the clinical, morphological and molecular aspects of actinic...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 251 en la página 25 de 26