Fisiopatología Experimental
Resultados: Listando 10 de 654 en la página 62 de 66
Audition and speech intelligibility in children after ten years of cochlear implant...
Neural response telemetry: evaluation of the auditory nerve compound action potential...
Resposta imune celular a diferentes antígenos micobacterianos em indivíduos infectados...
Assessment of the performance of individuals with ischemic stroke sequelae in concerning...
Prevalence of asthmatic and allergic symptoms and mechanism of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction...
Fatigue in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: frequency and associated factors
Effects of recreational use of Cannabis sativa on myocardial remodeling in young...
Relationship between cognitive performance, stress, coping and quality of life of...
Effect of effort and posture on regional lung emptying in healthy subjects detected...
Effects of partial hepatectomy associated with administration of nutritional hepatotrophic...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 654 en la página 62 de 66