Fisiopatología Experimental
Resultados: Listando 10 de 654 en la página 64 de 66
Study of the behavior of health professionals regarding the use of a computerized...
Effect in the temporary threshold shift during the use of the high power hearing...
Evaluation of biochemical and hematological parameters associated with molecular...
Comparing three protective mechanical ventilation strategies, HFOV, low-frequency-ventilation,...
Effects of external abdominal compression in respiratory parameters in healthy v...
Effect of chronic exposure to fine particulate matter on cardiac tissue of mice predisposed...
Methods for measuring Protein Disulfide Isomerase activities: a critical overvie...
Influence of diesel particulate matter (DEP) on female sex hormones estrogen and...
Identification of phenotypes in COPD patients: influence of physical activity in...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 654 en la página 64 de 66