Resultados: Listando 10 de 185 en la página 3 de 19
Some species of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the State of Rio de Janeiro,...
Effects of the time and temperature of storage bean grains Phaseolus vulgaris L....
Production "in vitro" of queens and natural occurrence of males of Frieseomelitta...
Induced sterility through cobalt-60 ionizing radiation on the Indian meal moth, Plodia...
Recovery of edaphic and epigeic arthropod community and litter production and decomposition...
A comparative morphology of Oscinellinae genera (Diptera: Chloropidae): a framework...
Characterization of the activity/rest rhythm of free running of Scaptotrigona aff...
Influence of rainfall and foraging activity on hygienic behavior of Africanized honey...
Community of lycaenid caterpillars in a Brazilian Savanna area: diet specificity,...
The role of the quantity of larval diet in caste determination of the stingless bee...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 185 en la página 3 de 19