Psicología: Procesos Culturales y Subjetividad
Resultados: Listando 10 de 70 en la página 7 de 7
HIJRAT AL-NAFS fractal narratives and legal plots in the forced migration experience...
Psychological dimensions in a cycling base team: a phenomenological study on its...
Place-based education: interactions and context in learning
Corps à corps: une étude phénoménologique du karaté, de la capoeira et du MMA
The crossings of a life in vadiação: between the Capoeira, the Cavalo Marinho and...
The individual and collective memory in the performance of a colombian musical genre...
Integral education in time: exploratory study in a municipality in the interior of...
Merleau-Ponty's legacy for the study of the implications between the formation of...
Teachers' perception of the relationship with students' families
Participation in the process of training facilitators of restorative practices
Resultados: Listando 10 de 70 en la página 7 de 7