Nutrición en Salud Pública
Resultados: Listando 10 de 430 en la página 9 de 43
Relationship between body composition and maternal serum leptin and adiponectin and...
Interaction between the gut microbiome and diet in metropolitan Sao Paulo dwellers...
Interdisciplinary approach in response to lifestyle interventions for reducing cardiometabolic...
Interdisciplinary Intervention for Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus under a Psychological...
Influence of family income and food prices on the composition of the diet consumed...
Determinants factors of variation of weight during postpartum
Breastfeeding and nutritional status of children under 3 years old in São Paulo ...
Surveillance of child malnutrition in the Brazilian Northern Region from 2008 to...
Comparison of the antioxidant capacity of coffee roasts and their effects on cardiovascular...
Factors associated with small-for-gestational-age fetal biometric measurements in...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 430 en la página 9 de 43