Geografía Física
Resultados: Listando 10 de 468 en la página 44 de 47
Influence of artificial lakes in local climate and urban climate: a case study in...
Physical geography: balance of production in scientific events in Brazil
Multitemporal analysis of soil loss by laminar erosion and of the river flow regime...
Analyzes and proposals of techniques procedures for development of landscape maps...
Methodology for the elaboration of environmental fragility models using artificial...
Environmental fragility analysis using three methodological models at the high basins...
Geomorphodynamics of slope-channel coupling in high-magnitude events: insights into...
Topographical threshold of gully erosions in Piratininga (SP)
The occupation of the soil and problematic of the arenization in Paranavaí/Pr
Analysis of the relationship between the grafic representations of thematic cartography...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 468 en la página 44 de 47