Estudios Comparativos de la Literatura Portuguesa
Resultados: Listando 10 de 390 en la página 39 de 39
O Quinze, by Rachel de Queiroz: experience and rupture in the tradition of drought...
The (de)formation of the image: Pinheiro Chagas reflected in the Eça de Queirós´...
José Craveirinha (1922-2003), voices of Mozambique and its time: an analysis of the...
Death of narrative in literature and cinema for children: Angela Lake and Tim Bu...
Gnosticism, the religious doctrine of Late Antiquity, in its relationship to poe...
The burden of the past and the immobility in the Present: possibilities of realism...
From São Bernardo to Casa na Duna: paths of (neo)realism in portuguese literary ...
Iracema on film: nation and identity from the literary to the filmic
Ramalho Ortigão and Brazil
The folds of the text - trajectory of the work of Guimarães Rosa by the sertão
Resultados: Listando 10 de 390 en la página 39 de 39