Estudios Comparativos de la Literatura Portuguesa
Resultados: Listando 10 de 390 en la página 9 de 39
Between labor and lyricism: world of work, engagement and criticism in the poetics...
Stories that illustrate the story: the fictional narratives of Lilia Momplé
The eternal seal: death and narrative
African and black-brazilian literary productions: the importance of the theme of...
Two sides of trickery: the trickster figure in the tales "The return of the prodigal...
Among squeamishness and cleverness: sly characters in Lima Barreto and José da Silva...
Between poetry and the school desk: some tensions between art and school culture...
Do let's play RPG?: dialogs with the literature, the reader and authorship
The glory and the fall: construction and breakdown of the novel in capitalism's ...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 390 en la página 9 de 39