Resultados: Listando 10 de 244 en la página 5 de 25
Validation of the Adolescent Pediatric Pain Tool (APPT) for Brazilian children and...
Assessment of the clinical and psychosocial impact of integrated care in Psychosocial...
The Family Health teams work process in Campina Grande - PB
Quality of life of permanent cardiac pacemaker patients: before and after the pacemaker...
Risks psychosocial associated with work-related stress of the teams family health...
Health needs by the voice of the civil society representatives (the residents) and...
Fundamental motor skills and level of physical activity in children: a study with...
For a respectful labor: an ethnography in groups from the humanization of labor and...
Nurse's assessment competence to acknowledge and cope with family health needs
The process of educating critical and reflective nurses in the view of Nursing students...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 244 en la página 5 de 25