Ecología Aplicada
Resultados: Listando 10 de 424 en la página 8 de 43
Agroforestry chickens and hens: development of a poultry silvopastoral system
The metropolitan region of São Paulo water crisis and the newspaper Folha de S. ...
Analysis of the concept of food sovereignty in the national school feeding program...
Geographic patterns of the fruit traits from Atlantic forest: environmental and ecological...
Diet of carnivores and the use of space by medium and large sized mammals in silvicultural...
The role of municipalities in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030...
In the fields with the Pataxó: multispecies ethnography of cassava in Barra Velha...
Dilemmas and Challenges of Rural Youth: an overview on Alto da Serra de São Pedro...
Diversity of the bacterial communities in Anthropogenic Black Earth from the Central...
Allometry of reproduction of Giant Amazon Turtle (Podocnemis expansa): biological...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 424 en la página 8 de 43