Nutrición Experimental
Resultados: Listando 10 de 216 en la página 4 de 22
Synergism on antioxidant activity between natural compounds evaluated by mathematical...
Unripe banana (Musa spp.) products and their influence over glucose tolerance and...
Effects of the intake of Brazil nut (Bertholetia excels H.B.K) on the oxidative stress...
Differential gene expression of hepatic pre-neoplastic lesions of rats treated with...
Chemopreventive activity of geraniol and β-ionona when administrated alone or...
Evaluation of TMPRSS6 genetic variants and its relationship with iron status of women...
Estimated dietary bioactive compounds intake by Brazilian population
Effect of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids suplementation combined with statins...
Effect of whole grape juice intake on leukocyte migration in overweight women. Participation...
The effects of maternal obesity during gestation and lactation and orange juice intake...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 216 en la página 4 de 22