Auditoría Contable y Contabilidad
Resultados: Listando 10 de 236 en la página 19 de 24
An investigation on the relation between the budget process characteristics and the...
Relationship of greenhouse gas emissions with accounting variables according to the...
Proposal for environmental valuation metric for legal reserves and permanent preservation...
Capital Structure determinants of firms in different economy and institutional environments:...
How do reputation risks affect powerful taxp(l)ayers' behavior?
The practice of financial risk management and the generation of shareholder value:...
Impact of goodwill impairment on cost of equity capital in diferent institutional...
Determinants of judicial reorganization considering the cash flows of firms
Analysis of the relationship between the members' role (patron and /or owner) and...
Essays on stock price crash risk
Resultados: Listando 10 de 236 en la página 19 de 24