Développement dans l'État de Droit
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 259 à l'page 10 de 26
Jurimetrics applied to mass litigation: the profile of processes involving banks...
Hatespeech: concept and hermeneutics on electoral law
Payment for environmental services (PES): an analysis of the challenges and opportunities...
A pyramid of scalene triangles: the interaction between the subjects of the family...
Agribusiness income taxation: the existence of a legal subsystem
Legitimacy and the authority of Law from the sociological perspective of Pierre ...
Legal Pluralism in Nigeria: limits to internal migration and national integrati...
New technologies and control of public administration
The institute of remission contained in the Brazilian Statue of Children and Adolescents...
Domestic workers and access to justice: analysis of descriptive statistics of judgments...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 259 à l'page 10 de 26