Sol et Nutrition de Plantes
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 1449 à l'page 120 de 145
Bioturbation and deep polygenetic features in oxisols of Central Paulista Peripheral...
Pyrogenic organic matter and Amazon Dark Earth genesis in the county of Iranduba,...
Effect of bioturbation on the assembly of phytoliths in Oxisols of Basaltic Province...
Phosphorus use efficiency and availability in sugarcane cultivated under different...
Avaliação da fertilidade dos solos da região produtora de coco do estado de Sergipe...
Soil-to-plant transfer of heavy metals and an assessment of human health risks in...
Pedogenesis, clay mineralogy, and silicon geochemistry in hypersaline tidal flat...
Synthesis and study of colloidal properties of an aluminum polyhydroxy cation pillared...
Crop prediction and soil response to sugarcane straw removal
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 1449 à l'page 120 de 145