Contrôle de Gestion et Comptabilité: Comptabilité
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 704 à l'page 64 de 71
The value-based pricing: a study in the brazilian business-to-business market
Do the words matter?: the use of linguistic tone in the discourses of results pr...
Contribution to the study of the structuring of the script for the execution of the...
Relationship between cost and expense structure and return on assets and operationg...
Conditioning factors of inter-organizational cost management
Explanatory notes: usefulness of financial information disclosed in the Brazilian...
Fiscal transparency and accounting disclosure in brazilian state governments
Role-playing applied to the teaching of accounting: a study in the light of learning...
Contracts, voluntary transferences and public policies management
Cash flow statement under the accrual basis accounting
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 704 à l'page 64 de 71