Planification Urbaine et Régionale
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 222 à l'page 7 de 23
Fortaleza's central area waterpoint and the revaluation of urban design as an intervention...
The connections between the municipal Master Plan and the plan for Local Productive...
Hindrances of urban planning in Brazil: from integrated development plans to fragmentation...
The impacts of the Expresso Tiradentes at the Silva Bueno street. The actions and...
Urban hospitality in big cities. São Paulo in focus
Socio-spatial segregation in medium-sized cities of Rio Grande do Sul state: Caxias...
Passo Fundo : the urban structuration of a medium - size city from Rio Grande do...
Guardianship of monuments to management sustainable of complex cultural landscapes:...
Environmental quality from green open spaces: the case of Porto Maravilha Urban ...
Women and peripheries as borders: the time-space of the dwellers of the Housing Complex...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 222 à l'page 7 de 23