Clinique Médicale
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 454 à l'page 6 de 46
Study of the nephrotoxicity of the anti-Forssman serum in guinea pigs
Computer analysis of lumbar intervertebral disks in magnetic resonance imaging
Evaluation of changes in nutritional status and body composition in the development...
Feasibility and reference intervals for conventional echocardiography measures and...
Osteoporosis in Cushing's disease: predictive value of measurement of visceral and...
Resting energy expenditure prediction equation using bioelectrical impedance assessment...
Endothelial glycocalyx injury in acute respiratory distress syndrome after flu-like...
Development of predictive equations of fat per body segments and proposed objective...
New strategies of active search, clinicoimmunobiological determinants and definition...
Analysis of blood pressure and circulatory autonomous modulation in hypertensive...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 454 à l'page 6 de 46