Hydraulique et Assainissement
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 1206 à l'page 112 de 121
Influence of the velocity gradient in the contact zone in the efficiency of clarification...
Methods evaluation for water disinfection using chlorine, peracetic acid, ozone and...
Disinfection of waters with high levels of turbidity and colour : technical supported...
Evaluation of analytical solutions for turbulent flows
Estudo experimental e modelagem numérica do escoamento e do assoreamento em uma armadilha...
Study of the turbulence structure in drainage caused by oscillating grids
Upgrading capacity of water treatment plant nº 2 of Valinhos-SP, by natural polymer...
Effects of trace metals supplementation in the processing of sugarcane vinasse in...
Environmental viability in the implementation of small hydroelectric plants by means...
An environmental weighting factory for the proposition of industrial district zoning...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 1206 à l'page 112 de 121