Océanographie Physique
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 82 à l'page 5 de 9
Inertial oscillations on the South Brazil Bight
Topographically-generated submesoscale shear instabilities associated with Brazil...
Seasonal variation of currents in the Sao Paulo inner and mid continental shelf:...
Meltwater Impacts on the Ocean Circulation since the Last Glacial Maximum
Dynamics of Brazil Current dipoles: barotropic instabilities and flow-western boundary...
Hydrodynamics of the Inner Continental Shelf of Sao Paulo State
Meso and submesoscale dynamics of the western boundary currents in the Vitória Trindade...
Response of São Paulo Continental Shelf to synoptic winds: numerical studies
Study of the Occurrence of the Cabo Frio and São Tomé Eddies
Past to Future South Atlantic Overturning Circulation: upper-ocean pathways and low-frequency...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 82 à l'page 5 de 9