Océanographie Géologique
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 90 à l'page 2 de 9
Geochemistry and formation of ferromanganese crusts and associated mineral deposits...
Morphology and chemical composition of polymetallic nodules from the Clarion-Clippertone...
Morphodynamic evolution and stability analysis of Itaguaré inlet in Bertioga - S...
Beach Variability in Lázaro, Domingas Dias and Sununga beaches, North Coast of São...
Tidal propagation in a frictionally dominated amazon estuary: numerical experime...
The Indian summer monsoon and the South American summer monsoon and their responses...
500 thousand years of climatic evolution of the Indian-Asian land mass: an eolian...
Sand waves dynamics in São Marcos Bay (Ponta da Madeira / MA): observations and numerical...
Storm surge resilience and sedimentar dynamic in Santos's coastal environment: numerical...
Longshore drift and shoreline evolution in southern Espírito Santo (Brazil)
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 90 à l'page 2 de 9