Droit Pénal, Médecine Légale et Criminologie
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 64 à l'page 6 de 7
Imported crime policy and negotiated Criminal Law in Brazil: peripheral legality...
Fraud as an essential element for the constitution of the objective definition of...
Duties of care and Risk Dimensions: from Risk Regulation to Criminal Law
Criminal liability of legal entities: political-criminal decisions and models of...
"Puxar cadeia junto": meanings of the protagonist of women who are prisoners' re...
For a dialogical criminal system: David Bohm's contributions to a new way of thinking...
Indulto e desencarceramento no Brasil
Criminal fashion law: criminal intervention in the fashion industry
Criminal policy and public policy
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 64 à l'page 6 de 7