Processus et Troubles de la Communication
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 305 à l'page 12 de 31
Effectiveness of the method vocal therapy for elderly in the conventional and intensive...
Voice abnormalities and neuroradiologic findings in patients who had present str...
Quality of interaction between family / caregiver and adult or elderly post-stro...
Health education: production of a transmediate document on hearing adolescent he...
Proposal of a speech-language intervention program for children with dysfluency:...
Monitoring program for parents in speech therapy with children's language
Oral health, capacity masticatory and nutritional status of individuals after treatment...
Performance of Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Reading...
Correlation between Auditory steady-state response and behavioral thresholds in children...
Online course to train speech-language pathologists in child language interventi...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 305 à l'page 12 de 31