Réadaptation Orale
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 189 à l'page 10 de 19
Evaluation of the fatigue resistance and damage modes of lithuim disilicate and resin...
Effect of incorporation of antifungal agents on the ultimate tensile strength and...
Effect of the incorporation of antimicrobial agents on the physical properties of...
Análise comparativa da presença de mediadores inflamatórios no sulco gengival resultante...
Development of pre-sintered ZTA 80% Al2O3/20% ZrO2 composite blocks for milling in...
Microstructural, mechanical, and optical characterization of a ZTA (zirconia-toughened...
Taper preparations for full crowns: monitoring of dental students
Effect of indenter material on reliability of all-ceramic crowns
Evaluation of immediately loaded implant-supported metal ceramic crowns in the posterior...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 189 à l'page 10 de 19