Réadaptation Orale
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 189 à l'page 8 de 19
Comparative analysis of lip morphology in Brazilian caucasian individuals between...
Evaluation of awake bruxism behaviour with ecological momentary assessment (EMA)...
Influence of acute physical exercise and pleasurable Autonomous Sensory Meridian...
Adjunct effect of transdermal systemic photobiomodulation in alveolar bone graft...
Evaluation of the effect of low-level laser therapy on the regeneration of critical...
Clinical evaluation of removable partial denture abutment and non-abutment teeth
Nanoparticlemodified PMMA to prevent denture stomatitis: a systematic review
Effectiveness of mechanical methods versus combined methods of hygiene protocols...
Adjunctive effect of photobiomodulation on pain, edema and facial temperature in...
Effect of low intensity laser on the regeneration of critical bone defects treated...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 189 à l'page 8 de 19