Théorie et Recherche en Communication
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 207 à l'page 2 de 21
Useless to the world (?): dialects of exclusion/inclusion, television appereances...
Telas em toda parte: um novo lugar de pesquisa da recepção de telenovela
Centrality of communication and work activity: a study of communication in factories...
Histórias em quadrinhos sobre a História do Brasil na década de 50: A narrativa dos...
The aesthetic and design in brand shoes Christian Louboutin
The importance of hypermedia as aesthetic experience in the production of knowle...
Regional media conglomerates: the media as a means of production in the territorialization...
The communication in the clash between business and communities: a critical analysis...
Spectral: Meaning and Digital Communication
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 207 à l'page 2 de 21