Sciences de la Communication
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 117 à l'page 5 de 12
The self and its self-representations in digital social networks: a study of professional...
Brazilian fiction series on cable TV and video streaming platforms: genres, formats,...
Free women and their stolen portraits: how images from the 2018 "#elenão" movement...
Peripheral women and self-representation: an analysis of Us, Women from the Peri...
Far beyond the front door: communication relationships in the world of work for people...
From Machiavelli's book to Manovich's database: the evolution of hegemony forms based...
Interior Open Games: São Paulo state sports coverage
Beneath the lights of intersectionality: a study on the production of meaning in...
Press opinion: typologies of arguments in editorials of the newspaper O Estado de...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 117 à l'page 5 de 12