Génie Chimique
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 661 à l'page 20 de 67
The influence of the mechanical spray drying process on particle size and bulk density...
A multi-agent software system for real-time optimization of chemical plants
Modeling and economic predictive control of an ammonia reactor
Development of different types of nancontainers with encapsulated dodecylamine inhibitor...
Study of the electrodeposition of Zn/Co alloy on carbon steel and its corrosion ...
Application of near infrared spectroscopy in the characterization of crude petroleum:...
Removal of Ph and Cd from zinc ore tailings by roasting
Modeling for petroleum fractions components identification
Application of electrodialysis for concentration of metals from a multicomponent...
Colloidal silica nanoparticles for wet end used for paper machines
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 661 à l'page 20 de 67