Construction Mécanique de Énergie et des Fluides
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 222 à l'page 21 de 23
Development of an internal combustion engine fuel map model based on on-board ac...
Thermal boundary layer effects in aeronautical airfoils icing accretion
Decision-making process for thermal comfort and energy efficiency optimization coupling...
Computational analysis of hemodynamic a stress in infra renal abdominal aorta aneurysm...
Analysis of a liquefaction cycle using mixed refrigerant technology for LNG small...
Exergy, economic and environmental analysis of ammonia production by residual sugarcane...
Numerical Study of laminar-turbulent transition
Optimization of PIV measurements in the interaction between an etanol spray and the...
A theoretical and experimental study of a reciprocating steam engine
Performance optimization of impellers of flow hydraulic pumps from classics criteria...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 222 à l'page 21 de 23