Écologie: Écosystèmes Terrestres et Aquatiques
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 355 à l'page 31 de 36
Effects of different matrices at risk of predation and movement of forest bird
Effectiveness of protected areas for biodiversity conservation: mammal occupancy...
Spatial and temporal dynamics of land use in Bonito, Jardim and Bodoquena (MS) Municipalities,...
Priorization scenarios in conservation of the irreplaceable sites of flora in the...
The organization and rhythm in the foraging and swarming of Plebeia remota (Holmberg,...
Integration between science and public participation in Environmental Impact Assessment:...
Argument production in scientific texts: contributions of a field course in ecologists'...
Trace-metals in Paiva Castro reservoir (Mairiporã-São Paulo) sediments: history through...
Spatial heterogeneity and water quality of superficial water at the Guarapiranga...
Bird functional diversity in native Cerrado physiognomies and converted areas
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 355 à l'page 31 de 36