Écologie: Écosystèmes Terrestres et Aquatiques
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 355 à l'page 33 de 36
Analysis of the landscape around three natural reserves in São Paulo State: subsidies...
The Ethnoecology of homegardens and its role in the agricultural systems of the quilombola...
Biocultural impacts of spatial restraint and of access to natural resources on a...
From individuals to species: the structure of seed dispersal networks in different...
Tolerance towards wildlife in the Atlantic forest: an empirical test across ecological...
Ecology, climatic niche and the effect of climate changes on the potential distribution...
Diversity of anurans and lizards in Cerrado physiogmonies in the region of Itirapina,...
Frugivory and Seed Dispersal by Tapirus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758) at patched landscape...
Tropical forest restoration in rural landscapes: the influence of soil and adjacent...
Bushmeat hunting and consumption in Eastern Amazonia: drivers and effects on the...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 355 à l'page 33 de 36