Physiologie Generale
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 295 à l'page 8 de 30
Modulation of clock genes Per1, Cry1b, Clock and of melanopsin by endothelin-1 in...
Evaluation of the neurotoxic and antioxidant effects of phenanthrene in juveniles...
Relationship between corticosterone, captivity as stressor and the immune innate...
Daily thermal cycle or constant temperature regimen during heat exposure: Effects...
Microbiota associated to marine and freshwater sponges: diversity and composition...
Regulation of the the rat pineal gland hormonal production by modulators of the inflammatory...
Freeze tolerance in some frogs of South America: mechanisms and strategies
Nicotine modulatory effects on neurotransmiter systems in the cardiovascular brain...
Effects of LPS injection, meal intake and contaminated meal intake on immune and...
Photic and non-photic synchronization of the circadian rhythms in subterranean rodents...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 295 à l'page 8 de 30