Chimie Analytique
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 100 à l'page 9 de 10
Thermal analysis applied to the synthesis and characterization of mixed oxides of...
A study relating to electroplaters´ health through relationships between environmental,...
Determination of hexavalente chorium in electroplating workplace and in workers´...
The use of sequential injection analysis with electrochemical detection for determination...
Manufacture microchannel polyester molding from silicon matrix and by the use of...
Acúmulo e potencial de mobilidade de metais pesados e nutrientes em sedimentos do...
Contactless conductivity detection for capillary zone electrophoresis and micellar...
Study of new analytical reactions of the perrenate and periodate ions
Equilibrium studies on the cobalt(II)/azide and nickel(II)/azide systems. Development...
Evaluation of the contamination of several compartiments of marine environment of...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 100 à l'page 9 de 10