Gynécologie et Obstétrique
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 355 à l'page 11 de 36
Evaluation the endometrial histomorphometry of fertile and infertile women during...
Seric and peritoneal assessment of interleukin 1ß, 6 and protein amyloid A concentrations...
Emotional assessment in pregnant women diagnosed with fetal malformation: a study...
Evaluation of uterine electric activity in pregnant and non pregnant Wistar rats...
Effects of 17-estradiol and metformin on glucose uptake, activation of FOXO3a signaling...
Evaluation of individual exposure to urban air pollution and its association with...
Nutrition profile of pregnant women who received dietary counseling: assessment of...
Maternal and perinatal events in pregnant women with mitral valve disease
Reference values for cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord and vessels measured...
Morphologic characterization of ovarian endometriosis
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 355 à l'page 11 de 36